Today I am 5 weeks pregnant. My Ovia Pregnancy app says that my child is the size of a peppercorn and his or her lungs are forming.

Last week, I was battling with fear surrounding the viability of this pregnancy. Feel free to check out that bog post here for the details. This week I rest my chid’s health and my family’s well being in God’s capable hands.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I have been 5 weeks pregnant exactly 3 times in my life. The first two times I was too afraid and depressed to be thankful…or at least as thankful as I wanted to be. There are many couples who are medically unable to conceive and many more who continue to conceive only for their pregnancies to end prematurely each time. I am finally at a point in my relationship with God where I get it.

I shouldn’t wait to see how things turn out to praise him. Thanksgiving should come in the midst of the worst trials I experience. As believers we know God loves us and only wants the best for us. No matter what happens, I plan to keep the praise coming.

Here are a few updates at 5 weeks pregnant:

  1. No more spotting!!
  2. HCG levels elevated from 174 to 652 in 3 days (it should nearly double every 2 days)!! Blood tests all came back normal/healthy.
  3. I have told a ton of people that we’re pregnant. The joy is so hard to contain. We are blessed that God allowed us to conceive as well as allowed me to be emotionally healed enough to enjoy this pregnancy. I even told my supervisor the big news – though I still have one more boss to tell.

Note: Pregnancy announcements definitely have some merit. There are only so many ways you can awkwardly and randomly come out and tell people you’re pregnant. Also, you can’t assume people who are related will tell each other…because according to my research they don’t!

How am I feeling?

In the mornings I am pretty nauseous. Funnily enough, I am starving in the despite the nausea. I feel myself getting overheated quickly and there are occasional headaches. So far, I am taking One a Day Prenatal Vitamins (the soft gels) and a Vitamin D supplement, thanks to the lack of sun in Michigan.

Overall, I am filled with the Spirit lately. Jesus is moving around and in our family in the best of ways. Being transparent, we have a lot that we could worry about. We threw out almost everything baby related, because we thought we were done having kids. Neither of our cars are big enough for a third car seat. I also took a salary cut to move organizations in my company a few months ago and we now have another body to send to daycare. Not to mention that my husband accepted a very high stress job around the time that I took my salary cut.

The enemy is there, lingering and hoping that I will give in to the anxiety. Little does he realize that God has done unimaginable things for me already. I have a first hand account of his power and his consideration for little old me. I trust him with all my heart.


If you don’t get anything else out of this post – believe that God cares about you as an individual. He loves you. He sent his only son to Earth to overcome death for you. Don’t be afraid to lift your deepest darkest sins to him and repent. Don’t be afraid to get on your knees and pray for the impossible. Things may not work out the way we plan, but God’s plans are perfect. Even when we don’t quite understand them all.