Posts filed under: Lauren’s Choice

Animal Crossing for Adults

Many of us have spent the past several months inside with little to no social interaction. We binged watched all of our favorite shows and now find ourselves out of...... Read More

Instacart Tips and Tricks

Are you a first time Instacart user? Maybe, you’ve dabbled with the app before and just didn’t enjoy the experience. I have used Instacart at least twice a month for...... Read More

5 Reasons To Stop Touching My Hair

I bet most of you are wondering why you need a list of 5 reasons to stop touching anyone’s hair. Let me immediately put out a disclaimer to the title...... Read More

5 Things To Know Before Your 28th Birthday

Today, April 24th, is my 28th Birthday. God has blessed me far beyond what I could have ever imagined. At such a young age, I am in awe of His...... Read More

5 Bridesmaid Tips for Any Wedding

I have been lucky enough to serve as a bridesmaid in three weddings. I also hosted my own wedding and managed my own bridal party. So having been both a...... Read More