When doing a Google search for “Early Pregnancy Must Haves” I didn’t find much. I came up with baby registry lists and endless links to trendy maternity boutiques. If you’ve read my previous two posts, you know I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve called upon my previous experiences to figure out a few purchases I have either already made or plan to make this week.

But first, a quick pregnancy update…

  • Both my husband and I have announced our my full management teams at work. The only negative so far has been my supervisor attempting to work on a plan for coverage 8 months early.
  • We have not made a formal/social media announcement, but as I said last week the important people in our lives are aware.
  • My morning sickness is on and off, but I am hungry all the time.
  • I’m still exhausted.
  • None of my pants fit.
  • According to my Ovia Pregnancy app, my baby should have a beating heart by now!

Early Pregnancy Must Haves

It may seem a bit early to make purchases, but there are a few things I just have to cave on already.

Preggie Drops

When I wake up the morning I am so nauseous that it takes me several minutes to get myself settled before I can get dressed. I have tried mints, ginger candy, and even Sea Bands in the past. Preggie pops have consistently helped my nausea to disappear the fastest.

A Huge Water Bottle

This is a necessity. I keep a 32 ounce Tumblr at my workstation, however I realized last week that I need a much larger bottle. First, I’m not used to drinking so much water and this child is making me unbeliveably thirsty!! Plus, having a larger bottle will help me remember how much water I’ve had all day to make sure I’m getting enough. TJ Maxx or Marshall’s are the two places I plan to begin my search. I’ve previously gotten large water bottles at both places for a reasonable price.

Extra Money For Lunch

Out family meal preps during the weak. We don’t use a lot of processed food and eat relatively healthy. I took several things we made for lunch last week and didn’t want not one thing from my lunch box. I ate at our work cafeteria every day for lunch or at least snack. Realize that your body is changing and despite your best budgeting attempts…it wants what it wants.

Dresses and Tights

I have always been anti maternity clothes. With my first child I went into Motherhood Maternity and spent almost $100 on 2 pairs of work pants. Never again will I ever spend that much money! I walked into a Salvation Army and found very similar pants for less than $15 each. Last week my trendy Van Huesen pull on work pants got a bit snug and the ones with buttons are bursting at the seams. I don’t look pregnant, but apparently my wardrobe is very aware. Can we talk about how I couldn’t keep my zipper up a church function last night? *facepalm*

So, I plan to go thrifting this week and increase my dress collection. Since it’s still snowing in Michigan for potentially another month, that also means I need to purchase several pairs of thick tights.

Dresses are awesome maternity substitutes if you buy the right kind. I typically purchase dresses with a good stretch to them and that at least go a little past my knee. This way I know they will fit me through late pregnancy and I can still wear them after baby is here!

Early Pregnancy Must Haves – Honorable Mentions

  • One A Day Softgel Prenatal Vitamins – prenatal vitamins should definitely be at the top of your list, but these didn’t make my main list because I can’t really say what this vitamin would do over another prenatal vitamin.
  • Belly Band – I don’t own enough pants with buttons (except for maybe jeans) to spend the money on this, but it may work for you.
  • Sea Bands – I’m not sure that these worked for me, but many women have raved about them.

What are you Early Pregnancy Must Haves? Is there something that would make this first trimester more comfortable? Please let me know in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for email updates each time I post!