Congratulations! If you’re reading this article, you are more than likely in your 3rd trimester of pregnancy (or know someone else who is!). It’s time to get your labor and delivery hospital bag packed and maybe you’re not sure where to start. As a mom of 3, I have packed a few labor and delivery hospital bags in my time. 2021 was quite a different experience, but check out my last pregnancy post “Virtual Pregnancy: Silver Linings” to learn how I grew to appreciate it. Let’s get to the Labor and Delivery Hospital Bag Essentials. Below is a list of items you should consider packing for mom, dad, and baby.

Labor and Delivery Hospital Bag – for Mom

  • 1-2 Masks – Masks were required until we got to our room.
  • 5-6 Depends – Yep, I said it! Super comfortable and prevents any embarrassing leaks.
  • 1-2 Open Robe – Like this one. To make breastfeeding and any medical checks super easy. You can even buy 2-3 to last your whole stay.
  • 1 Maternity Bra – If you feel more comfortable wearing regular clothes, or prefer to be covered under your robe, grab one of these.
  • 2 Pairs of Warm Socks and 1 Blanket – It may be cold at night and hospital sheets are light.
  • 1 Bar of Plain Soap – This may be needed if you have a c-section, but it’s also good to use unscented soaps in case your baby’s sensitive skin gets irritated.
  • Toiletries – Hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, and makeup if you imagine taking any glamour photos or want to freshen up for visitors.
  • 1 Breast Pump – This can be helpful if you need a lactation consultant to show you how it works.
  • 1 Tube of LANOLIN!! – You will thank me for this later. Use as directed, but also use often. The first few days of breastfeeding can be tough.
  • 2-3 Extra Pillows / 1 Boppy or My Breast Friend Breastfeeding Pillow – You can never have enough props for your arms while breastfeeding.
  • 1 Super Long Phone Charger – Most outlets will be far away from the bed.
  • 1 Belly Wrap – Some hospitals will give you one. It may seem unnecessary, but it really helps you feel better. Going from having a full stomach to an empty one leaves you with a deflated balloon feeling in your uterus.
  • Wallets / ID / Insurance Cards – Of course.
  • Pre-determined Restaurants of your Choice to Order from in the Area – I have never tasted good hospital food.
  • (Not Listed – Nursing Cover – because everyone barges in before you can use it anyway.)

Labor and Deliver Hospital Bag – Baby

  • 1 Car Seat – They won’t let you leave the hospital without one.
  • 5-6 Onesies (sizes 0 – 3m) – The ones that button to the side are best due to the healing umbilical cord. You need several because blow outs and getting peed on happen early on! If you have an outfit you REALLY want your child to wear, get it in 0-3 months, just in case they are too big for newborn clothes.
  • 4-5 Diapers and Baby Wipes – The hospital may provide them, but if you plan to make any stops on your way home, you don’t want your diaper bag to be empty.
  • 1 Diaper Rash Cream or Ointment
  • 1-2 Baby Hats – The hospital ones are sometimes too big.
  • Baby mittens – So they won’t scratch themselves while rubbing their eyes.
  • Baby socks – The hospital does not usually provide these.
  • 2-3 Burp Cloths – Spit up does happen.
  • Baby Lotion – Normally mini lotion and shampoo are provided, but I still bring my own.
  • Swaddling Blanket – The hospital will definitely have one, but bring your own if you prefer to learn to swaddle in something you will be using every day.

Labor and Deliver Hospital Bag – Dad

  • Button Down Shirts – This or no shirt at all is essential for skin to skin time after birth!
  • Snacks and Plenty of Water – If you like to snack, pack a lunch box. Labor and delivery have the potential to be really long activities.
  • 1 Blanket and 1 Pillow – Your bed will be a recliner or hard couch for the next 1-3 days.
  • Laptop or iPad – In case you want to watch something that isn’t on cable. I actually suggest bringing a Firestick.
  • Phone Charger – Of course.
  • Toiletries – Leave the scented stuff at home with mom’s!
  • Sneakers – You may be doing a lot of walking. Carrying things to and from the car, carrying the carseat (+ baby), getting food, going to find a nurse, etc. may not be flip flop activities.

There you have it. These are things that my husband and I personally brought with us to the hospital for each of our pregnancies. I hope that you are able to take this list and make it your own. Happy packing!