Last week I took the Sneak Peak Test, which gives moms an early look at their baby’s gender by testing for the presence of a Y (male) chromosome. I want to tell you all about the experience and the results!

First, let me update you on how my pregnancy has been going.

Pregnancy Update

  • We did see a baby and a heartbeat at my 9 week appointment! All of my blood and pap related tests came back within normal ranges. I’ll continue seeing a midwife until closer to my delivery date. Then, I’ll be assigned and begin seeing the doctor who will actually perform my c-section.
  • Food and I still have an interesting relationship. I gained 8 pounds between my 4 and 9 week appointments. I was worried about gaining too much weight initially, but my extreme hunger and desire to binge randomly has died down since then.
  • Due to the world’s recent events, I have been given somewhat of a blessing in disguise. Both my husband and I have been assigned to work from home for the foreseeable future. My children’s daycare is open, but they will be staying home with us. I’ll have more posts on how we manage this later.
  • Check out my previous pregnancy update here.

Seek Peak Test

I am in a couple of pregnancy due date groups on Facebook and everyone is talking about different ways they’re finding out their child’s gender. I previously heard talk of this Sneak Peek Test with my other pregnancies, but the cost didn’t seem worth it then. This time, I was really hoping and praying for a healthy child as before, but I wanted to find out the gender before my husband! If we were really to have a boy after our 2 girls, I wanted to surprise him. So, I decided to schedule a Sneak Peek at at clinic nearby. There is an option to do the test at home, but it seems like more people contaminate their blood that way so I went the clinical route. Check out the Sneak Peek Test for more specifics on the test and how it works.

Preparing for the Sneak Peek Test

There is no prep at all for this test. I made the appointment 2 weeks in advance. You do need to be at least 9 weeks pregnant and currently receiving prenatal care to schedule. The cost is $149. I paid an additional $20 for the Fast Track delivery because I was hoping to have the results while my sister was in town visiting.

The Day of the Test

Most of the clinics are businesses that do 3D/4D ultrasounds. The experience was not at all what I was expecting. The room was basically a bedroom. There was a large area that with couches and a huge floor space. Also, there was a queen sized bed, a row of 4 chairs against a wall, and a large television in the corner of the room.

I walked in and the phlebotomist was wearing gloves, as expected. She unpacked all of her supplies – my collection tube fell on the ground which caused immediate panic, but I let it go. Then, she extracted my blood and gave me some Sneak Peak Test stickers and that was it.

I received a confirmation from Sneak Peak Test as soon as the appointment was over. The following day around 2:30pm the lab confirmed they had received my sample and I would find out by the end of the day! After checking my phone every 5 minutes after getting that email, I tried to get through work as usual.

Around 7:30 I saw the email notification! The title does not give away the gender, just that the results are in. You can opt to have the results emailed to a third party as well. I opened them and got my answer.

So, now what?

Our family knows. I put together a super cute gender reveal. However, we won’t tell the others until after my 20 week anatomy scan. Why? Well, Sneak Peek has had a mix of great and negative reviews regarding the accuracy of their tests. 99% is a high accuracy rate to report, but I would rather not have to unreport the wrong gender. Plus, I would love to verify the accuracy for myself at my next appointment.

I’m curious as to whether I will have any disruptions to my normal appointments due to the social distancing laws and policies coming into place.

Was it worth it?

Yes! I really want my girls to feel involved in this pregnancy. I know that their father and I have been very busy with work this year. It will feel like we are even busier when the new baby arrives. Any opportunity that presents itself for them to feel connected to this child is one I will gladly take. When this baby arrives, I want them to feel equally loved and needed. Of course, there are lots of ways to do that before and after the baby arrives, but it’s just my preference to start building that foundation now.

So, what about you? Have you done any early testing to determine baby’s gender? Have you specifically used the Sneak Peek Test? Let me know in the comments!